How to Glorify God Through Fitness

The way the fitness space is portrayed online can sometimes turn people off from wanting to get involved. Just go on Instagram and you’ll see plenty of shirtless pictures from people who dedicate their lives to ensuring their front delt vein is poking out.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s awesome to set physical appearance goals for yourself, but there’s a fine line we must toe between accomplishing goals and letting the appearance of our flesh consume us.

In this post I’m going to lay out some ways in which you can take the focus off yourself and use your fitness to glorify God.

Listening to Worship Music

The music we listen to oftentimes sets the tone for how we posture our mentality. If we want to get locked in before an event, we’ll listen to hip hop or heavy metal. If we want to clear our head after a long day, we’ll listen to Lo-fi or classical music.

The point is, whatever mood we are currently in or are trying to achieve, we usually try to find a genre of music to match our emotions. The same goes for worship music.

If you’re in the gym listening to the latest Meek Mill album of which the lyrics are describing the likes of partying, drinking, getting money, and driving expensive cars, your mind will likely be focused on yourself. You’ll probably catch yourself looking in the mirror to check on your pump more than you’d like to admit.

However, when we work out to worship music, we make the workout more about God and less about us. What exactly do I mean by that? Worship music gives glory to God, we all know that. So, when you infiltrate your ears with words that are for Him, your mind will totally focus on the incredible gifts He’s given us.

Instead of thinking about how good you look, your mind will be set on the fact that you are blessed with the ability to move freely, to breathe in fresh air, or to not be sick on that day.

Whatever it is, you’ll notice the focus taken off you and placed upon the gratitude that we get to do what we do all because God has allowed us to.

Focus on Working Hard

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” -2 Thessalonians 3:10

What does this verse mean? It means you can only enjoy the fruits of your labor if you actually labor. This is certainly the truth.

Whenever you get through an extraordinarily tough workout, you feel much better when you enjoy the rewards of that work afterward. Whether it be a cheat meal, a nap, or some time spent watching your favorite streamed show, it feels justified after a tough, sweaty workout.

Also, you should work hard because God has given you the ability to do so.

Now, I’m not saying you should push yourself to the absolute highest limit if you’re hurting or exhausted. Obviously be smart and listen to your body. But when you can, push out that extra rep or run that extra quarter mile and appreciate your ability and strength to do so because none of it is possible without Him.

Eating Whole Foods

Eating whole foods is a struggle that all of us humans have. Why? Because of convenience. It’s really easy to grab processed food to eat on the go or throw something in the microwave when you don’t have much time to cook. But God gave us the food of the Earth (fruits, buts, meat, eggs, fish, leafy greens, etc.).

It’s no coincidence that you feel better when you eat whole foods. You feel more refreshed, alert, and happy when you eat a piece of salmon and a spinach salad than you would eating a microwave pizza.

Not only do you feel more energized to continue crushing the rest of your day, but you’re respecting the body God gave you. God gave us food for our nourishment and for our enjoyment.

So, enjoying bad food every once in a while is not a bad thing. However, processed foods shouldn’t make up your every-day diet because they don’t make you your best self!


When you work out by yourself, it can be a therapeutic part of your day. You’re by yourself, focused on the task at hand, while putting outside distractions away. What better time to get into prayer than during your workout!

This prayer doesn’t have to be audible, recited prayer. Some of it can be, but just listening to God can be prayer as well. There are also plenty of sermons you can find on your phone to guide yourself in the Word of God. Churchome with Judah Smith is one that I love listening to when I want to add some reflection into my exercise sessions.


Working out and eating nutritious foods can improve every aspect of your life. When you’re consistently working out, you become a better parent, coworker, friend, and believer.

There are so many ways you can glorify God through health and fitness. Whether it be through worship music, hard work, diet, or prayer, a healthier vessel is a vessel that’s more fit to advance the kingdom!

About Dan Roos

Dan Roos is a freelance writer for small businesses. He creates blogs, web copy, and social media posts specializing in areas of fitness & health, lifestyle, sports, and faith. If you’re a small business or solopreneur looking for a content writer, check out his website or contact him on his social platforms.

1 thought on “How to Glorify God Through Fitness”

  1. One thing that I think also becomes a valuable point is with the economy on a downswing that we can take a part of it is that the gym costs stay relatively stable. Plus, even if you don’t have a membership, you have more gym options now more than ever. You can use a fitness regiment to meet new people or as you said. Find a little joy in meditation while you work out.

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